Krateo PlatformOps Quickstart
This guide presents a basic introduction to Krateo PlatformOps. Together, we will:
- Install Krateo PlatformOps into a local cluster.
- Deploy the FireworksApp Template
- Deploy a Composition leveraging the FireworksApp Template
- Destroy the cluster
The FireworksApp Template will create a new public GitHub repository in your organization. Fill the form according to the organization name.
Deploy Krateo PlatformOps on a local cluster (kind)
Any of the following approaches require Helm v3.13.1 or greater to be installed.
- kind
If you have any Docker-compatible container runtime installed (including native Docker, Docker Desktop, or OrbStack), you can easily launch a disposable cluster just for this quickstart using kind.
curl -L | sh
While this option is a bit more complex than using Docker Desktop or OrbStack directly, it offers the advantage of being fully-disposable. If your cluster reaches a state you are dissatisfied with, you can simply destroy it and launch a new one.
Wait for Krateo PlatformOps to be up&running:
kubectl wait krateoplatformops krateo --for condition=Ready=True --namespace krateo-system --timeout=300s
At the end of this process:
- The Krateo Composable Portal will be accessible at localhost:30080.
- The admin user password can be retrieved with the following command:
kubectl get secret admin-password -n krateo-system -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
Login into the Krateo Composable Portal: http://localhost:30080/
Deploy the FireworksApp Template
We will leverage the FireworksApp template. Follow the README instructions to deploy the template leveraging Krateo Composable Portal.
Wait for the CompositionDefinition to become Ready:
kubectl wait compositiondefinition fireworksapp --for condition=Ready=True --namespace fireworksapp-system --timeout=300s
Check the Templates section in the Portal:
Deploy a Composition leveraging the FireworksApp Template
Click on the FireworksApp card, a form will appear on the right:
Fill the form fields in the following way:
Key | Value |
name | krateo-demo |
namespace | fireworksapp-system | | your github organization |
A new Composition is now available:
Let's dig into the Composition tabs:
Composition Status
Application Status
Destroy the cluster
Simply destroy the cluster:
- kind
kind delete cluster --name krateo-quickstart