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Krateo PlatformOps Quickstart

This guide presents a basic introduction to Krateo PlatformOps. Together, we will:

  • Install Krateo PlatformOps into a local or managed Kubernetes cluster.

Starting a Local Cluster

Any of the following approaches require Helm v3.13.1 or greater to be installed.

If you have any Docker-compatible container runtime installed (including native Docker, Docker Desktop, or OrbStack), you can easily launch a disposable cluster just for this quickstart using kind.

curl -L | sh

We are using vCluster to install Krateo in an isolated environment.


While this option is a bit more complex than using Docker Desktop or OrbStack directly, it offers the advantage of being fully-disposable. If your cluster reaches a state you are dissatisfied with, you can simply destroy it and launch a new one.

At the end of this process:

Leveraging an existing Kubernetes cluster (with LoadBalancer)

Any of the following approaches require Helm v3.13.1 or greater to be installed.

This quickstart will expose each Krateo component via LoadBalancer - please use a Kubernetes setup that allows automatically creation of Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer.

If you have any a kubeconfig already setup, you can test Krateo with the following script:

curl -L | sh

We are using vCluster to install Krateo in an isolated environment.

At the end of this process:

  • The Krateo Composable Portal will be accessible at:
export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc krateo-frontend-x-krateo-system-x-vcluster-k8s -n krateo-system -o json | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip')
echo http://$SERVICE_IP:8080

The username is cyberjoker and password is 123456.

Cleaning up

Congratulations! You've just gotten hands on with Krateo PlatformOps for the first time!

Now let's clean up!

Simply destroy the cluster:

kind delete cluster --name krateo-quickstart