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Installing Krateo PlatformOps and expose it via LoadBalancer

Basic Installation

Installing Krateo with default configuration is quick and easy.

You will need:

  • Helm: These instructions were tested with v3.13.1.
  • A Kubernetes cluster.

Krateo PlatformOps installer is a flexible workflow engine that executes sequential steps. The installer-chart is a helper that provider already baked configurations for Krateo PlatformOps. It is however possible to implement a custom installer. Please check all the possible values supported by the chart.

Krateo PlatformOps can be exposed via LoadBalancer service type that exposes an IP.

helm repo add krateo
helm repo update krateo

helm upgrade installer installer \
--repo \
--namespace krateo-system \
--create-namespace \
--set krateoplatformops.service.type=LoadBalancer \
--set krateoplatformops.service.externalIpAvailable=true \
--install \
--version 2.3.1 \

Wait for Krateo PlatformOps to be up&running:

kubectl wait krateoplatformops krateo --for condition=Ready=True --namespace krateo-system --timeout=300s

At the end of this process:

  • Find the Krateo Composable Portal IP:
kubectl get svc krateo-frontend -n krateo-system  -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
  • The Krateo Composable Portal will be accessible at previous IP at port 8080.
  • The admin user password can be retrieved with the following command:
kubectl get secret admin-password  -n krateo-system -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

The installer by default deploys a composable-portal-basic with examples to immediately start to play with Krateo PlatformOps. The chart is available here: