This service serves as an active watcher of event resource in the kubernetes system, which:
- consider only events related to involvedObjects with a composition identifier
- takes those events and pushes them to a user specified HTTP hook (called Registration)
The service will POST to the specified endpoint a JSON containing the event info.
Here a sample event info:
"message":"cannot create EKS node group: ResourceInUseException: Cluster: test-1 is not in a valid state",
How to install
$ helm repo add krateo https://charts.krateo.io
$ helm repo update krateo
$ helm install eventrouter krateo/eventrouter --namespace krateo-system --create-namespace
Configuring a Registration
To configure your hook in order to receive events info, create and apply a manifest with Registration resource:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: eventrouter.krateo.io/v1alpha1
kind: Registration
name: httpecho-registration
# Your custom hook service name
serviceName: HTTP Echo
# Your custom hook service endpoint
In the above example the endpoint service at _ will receive the eventhandler data.